National Qualifications - ODETDP
Faculty of Learning Development

National Certificate: Occupationally Directed Education Training and Development Practices
This qualification will provide practitioners with the general ETD skills required at NQF level 5 across five key ETD roles, with the opportunity to specialise further in one of the following four roles:
Design and develop learning interventions.
Facilitate learning.
Design and conduct assessments.
Facilitate skills development.
Practitioners will generally carry out their role within the context of:
Given Quality Assurance policies, procedures and processes.
A guided and supported learning environment.
8 Weeks

CERTIFICATE: Further Education and Training: ODETDP SAQA ID: 50332. NQF Level 4
Learners of this qualification will be able to:
Prepare for and facilitate learning.
Provide learner support.
Carry out administration related to learning.
Contribute to Human Resource Management Practices.
Learners will generally carry out their role within the context of:
Given learning material and course designs.
Given administration systems.
Given evaluation instruments.
Given Quality Assurance policies, procedures and processes.
An established learning environment where learners are already identified.
A guided and supported learning environment.
Given results from a learning needs analysis.
10 to 12 months