ODETDP Learning and Development - SAQA ID: 50332 NQF Level 4
Accredited by the ETDP-SETA

Further Education and Training Certificate: Occupationally-Directed Education Training and Development Practices
SAQA ID: 50332
NQF Level 5
Credits 172
This qualification is for those who want to build on a FETC in any field to enter the field of ODETD as a potential career, and have little or no previous exposure to ETD. The qualification will also be valuable for those who may have been practising within the field, but without formal recognition.
This qualification will be useful for:
Learning facilitators.
Learner and learning supporters.
Skills Development Facilitators.

ODETDP Skills Programme
Introduction to ETD
SAQA ID: 50334
NQF Level 5
Credits 15
Interpret and apply the National Skills Development Strategies (NSDS 3) to your organisation’s skills development needs (A SA strategic HRD imperative)
Interpret Human Resource Development (HRD) legislation and apply it in the workplace
Interpret and apply Outcomes-based Approach to Education and Training (OBET)
Describe the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) with the related qualifications and standards
Develop a broad plan for implementing the NQF within an organisation
Recognise the roles and responsibilities of an ETD practitioner

ODETDP Skills Programme
Facilitate & Evaluate Learning
SAQA ID: 50334
NQF Level 5
Credits 30
Interpret adult learning principles
Develop a culture of learning
Develop a lesson plan and programme based on the selected method, media and mod
Compile a design document which details the learning delivery, assessment, support and control strategies
Plan and prepare for facilitation
Facilitate learning
Evaluate learning and facilitation

ODETDP Skills Programme
Conduct OB Assessment
SAQA ID: 50334
NQF Level 5
Credits 15
Interpret the principles of assessment
Prepare staff for the assessment
Conduct the assessment of evidence
Assess the quality of assessment evidence results and give feedback accordingly
Support and guide staff
Finalise the assessment process

ODETDP Skills Programme
Moderate OB Assessment
SAQA ID: 50334
NQF Level 5
Credits 10
Understand Moderation within the context of an OBE system
Plan and prepare for moderation
Conduct moderation
Advise and support assessors
Report, record and administer moderatio
Review moderation systems and processes

ODETDP Skills Programme
Perform Skills Development Functions (SDF)
SAQA ID: 50334
NQF Level 5
Credits 33
Conduct a Training Needs Analysis (TNA
Conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of learning for skills development and other purposes
Establish a Training Committe
Develop an organisational Workplace Skills Plan
Create a learning infrastructure
Coordinate planned skills development interventions in an organisation
Promote a learning culture in an organisation
Complete an Annual Training Report (ATR)
Conduct skills development administration in an organisation

ODETDP Skills Programme
Design & Develop Learning Interventions
SAQA ID: 50334
NQF Level 5
Credits 26
Conduct training needs analysis (TNA)
Interpret the occupational profiles and align occupational curricula
Develop an alignment matrix for occupational curricula
Compile a design document which details the learning delivery, assessment, support, and control strategies
Develop for classroom training
Develop for eLearning
Develop for blended learning
(Facilitator Tools, Learner Guides, Workbooks, Quick Reference Guides, Videos, Storyboards, etc.)

ODETDP Skills Programme
Mentor, Coach and Support Learners
SAQA ID: 50334
NQF Level 5
Credits 15
Interpret the fundamentals of mentoring and coaching
Describe the characteristics of a good mentor and coach
Explain the competencies and experience required to mentor a mentee
Apply mentoring and coaching skills and techniques